Italia Hayward - Customer Story

August 28, 2015
2 min read

Restaurant owner consolidates debt and completes critical repairs with funding through Lendio.

Reason for a loan
Payoff/Consolidate Debts

Payoff/Consolidate Debts

Repair and Maintenance

Repair and Maintenance

Food Services

Food Services





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Lisa Pajac was working as a civilian for the Navy, stationed in Italy managing a bowling complex. When the government shutdown limited the amount of hours she could work, she realized it was time for a change. Her father helped her find a restaurant for sale in Hayward, Wisconsin, and they both knew it was the one. Her and her husband, Rick, researched the area and developed a thorough business plan that they referred to many times during the start-up process. Using her retirement funds and a loan from the bank, she bought the business and started Italia.

Lisa had received a loan to cover her mortgage and her operating costs, along with several other loans to improve and run the restaurant. When she wanted to consolidate all these loans and perform some building repairs, she went to several different lending companies, one of which nearly ruined her credit score by pulling her credit multiple times. Without the repairs, her restaurant would be in dire straits.

One day, Lisa was looking for capital funding companies online and found Lendio. After signing up through Lendio’s easy online portal, she was matched with Jon Klevin, her loan specialist. “I loved Lendio, when I had to submit documents, it was frustrating, but they walked me through the whole thing. Jon Klevin was fantastic, he was helpful through the whole process, and very encouraging. I would absolutely recommend Lendio to a friend” Lendio was able to get her a loan to cover the cost of the repair and consolidate her loans.


Now, Lisa’s restaurant continues to flourish. “We’ve made such a difference here in Hayward, there is no Italian restaurant in a 100 mile radius. People come from Chicago, Milwaukee, all around. They’ve been waiting for something like this, and that’s what keeps us going: making these people happy, every single day.”

You can find Lisa’s restaurant at To get started with Lendio, click here to see all of your small business loan options.

About the author

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6 - 12 Months
1 - 3 Years
3+ Years
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Business type
Legal partnership
Sole proprietor
Congrats--it looks like you qualify.*

Based on your business information you could qualify for up to $ 52,000 in funding

Funding amount *

$ 36,000 - $ 52,000

*Amount is an estimate only using the information provided Businesses like yours typically receive offers like these.
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Many businesses don't qualify for funding for all kinds of reasons. A few factors could include:

Not enough revenue
Not enough time in business
Credit score is too low

*Qualification criteria, rates, and other funding terms will vary depending on the type and location of your business, and upon other factors. This is not a guarantee of funding, and it should not be relied upon as an accurate assessment of the availability or terms of the represented funding products.

Italia Hayward
Restaurant owner consolidates debt and completes critical repairs with funding through Lendio.

Lisa Pajac was working as a civilian for the Navy, stationed in Italy managing a bowling complex. When the government shutdown limited the amount of hours she could work, she realized it was time for a change. Her father helped her find a restaurant for sale in Hayward, Wisconsin, and they both knew it was the one. Her and her husband, Rick, researched the area and developed a thorough business plan that they referred to many times during the start-up process. Using her retirement funds and a loan from the bank, she bought the business and started Italia.

Lisa had received a loan to cover her mortgage and her operating costs, along with several other loans to improve and run the restaurant. When she wanted to consolidate all these loans and perform some building repairs, she went to several different lending companies, one of which nearly ruined her credit score by pulling her credit multiple times. Without the repairs, her restaurant would be in dire straits.

One day, Lisa was looking for capital funding companies online and found Lendio. After signing up through Lendio’s easy online portal, she was matched with Jon Klevin, her loan specialist. “I loved Lendio, when I had to submit documents, it was frustrating, but they walked me through the whole thing. Jon Klevin was fantastic, he was helpful through the whole process, and very encouraging. I would absolutely recommend Lendio to a friend” Lendio was able to get her a loan to cover the cost of the repair and consolidate her loans.


Now, Lisa’s restaurant continues to flourish. “We’ve made such a difference here in Hayward, there is no Italian restaurant in a 100 mile radius. People come from Chicago, Milwaukee, all around. They’ve been waiting for something like this, and that’s what keeps us going: making these people happy, every single day.”

You can find Lisa’s restaurant at To get started with Lendio, click here to see all of your small business loan options.

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Italia Hayward