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Internships help students and entry-level job candidates gain experience they need to build a solid career in their field of choice. They also benefit businesses by introducing fresh talent into your organization who can meet the needs of specific projects.
When you do hire an intern, you need to present them with an offer letter that clearly details your expectations and the duties they will be handling.
When you should use an internship offer letter.
You should draft an internship offer letter when you create an internship program and decide which candidate is right for your company. While you can keep templates (like the one at the end of this article) on hand, there are many details that you will have to complete after you decide who to hire and the details of their job.
It’s important to know the terms of your internship agreement before you draft your letter. The document will serve as a formal contract between your company and the intern.
How to send an internship offer letter.
Most companies opt to send internship offer emails since technology allows for instant delivery. However, if your company requires a more formal system, you may also send a paid or unpaid internship offer letter via USPS mail, in person, through a recruiter, or through a career services office at a college or university.
Important information that should be in an internship offer letter.
The offer letter should include all the important details about the internship position, including the following:
- The name and title of the intern
- The name and address of the company
- The name of the supervisor managing the position
- Start and end dates of the internship program
- Agreed upon work schedule of the intern
- Details about whether it is a paid or unpaid internship
- Specific pay rate if the internship is paid
- Legal disclosures, including a non-compete or nondisclosure agreement
- Acceptance statement with signatures and date lines
- Response deadline
The internship letter should be clear that the full agreement is outlined in the document, which supersedes any prior discussions, including emails, regarding the position.
Sample internship offer letter template.
An internship offer letter can take many forms, from a formal contract to a less-formal agreement type letter. If you need help getting started, you can use this internship offer letter template from Lendio.
I am happy to extend you an offer for the internship position with [NAME OF COMPANY] within the [NAME OF DEPARTMENT]. This internship position is located in [CITY AND STATE]; however, there is an option for remote or hybrid work. The title of this position is [TITLE OF POSITION], and [NAME OF SUPERVISOR] will be your manager.
You are scheduled to begin work on [START DATE], and this will be a three-month [PAID/UNPAID] internship ending on [END DATE]. The work schedule for this position is generally [DAYS AND HOURS], with a pay rate of [HOURLY RATE OR OTHER PAY RATE]. This position [DOES/DOES NOT] include other benefits, including [LIST BENEFITS, SUCH AS SICK TIME, PTO, ETC.].
During your temporary employment with [COMPANY NAME], you may be exposed to trade secrets or confidential and proprietary business information that belongs solely to the company. By accepting this offer, you agree to keep that information confidential and refrain from using it for your own purposes or disclosing it to anyone outside of the company. You also agree to return any company owned property at the end of your internship.
By accepting this offer, you acknowledge that you are participating in a temporary internship program that does not amount to an offer of employment. Further, successful completion of the program does not automatically entitle you to an employment offer from [COMPANY NAME].
This internship offer letter is a whole and complete agreement. It supersedes any prior conversations, both verbal and written, about the position. Changes to this agreement may only be made in writing.
If you have any questions about the internship position, the company, or this offer, please contact [NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS, AND PHONE NUMBER]. Once you have reviewed this letter completely, please sign and return it via [RETURN METHOD] to confirm your acceptance of the position no later than [DATE].
We look forward to working with you and wish you a successful and exciting internship with [COMPANY NAME]. Welcome to the team!
I, ________________________________________, accept the offer within this agreement and will take part in the internship as stated above.
Signature of Intern
Name of Intern
Lendio can help you expand your business.
If you are looking to expand your small business so that you can hire additional interns to help with projects or ongoing work, Lendio is here to help with your organization's needs. Learn more about how Lendio can help with your internship program.