Learn how to start a small business.

Starting a small business involves many crucial planning, legal, and financial steps. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know.

Step 1

Perform market research.

Market research can provide valuable insights into your marketplace, the industry your new small business is entering, and the competition it will face.

Step 2

Write a business plan.

If you have big aspirations for your business, a detailed plan is usually the best way to make your dreams a reality.

Step 3

Write objectives for your business plan.

As a small business owner, setting objectives is a key part of your company’s success.

Step 4

Establish what type of business plan you have.

Business plans are helpful tools for startups.

Step 5

Present your business plan.

Business plans can be the key to securing startup financing, expansion capital, or outside investments.

Step 6

Fund your small business.

There are many ways to fund your small business.

Step 7

Learn how much it will cost to start a business.

The amount of money a startup can expect to spend up front will vary greatly.

Step 8

Grow your business with different funding strategies.

If you’re ready to get your business up and running, you may be wondering how to fund it.

Step 9

Choose a business location.

Choosing the right location for your business is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. No pressure.

Step 10

Learn about small business zoning laws.

Wherever you choose to operate your small business, it’s important to know and understand the zoning laws in your area.

Step 11

Choose a business structure.

One of the most important decisions you’ll make when starting a business is what type of business structure to choose.

Step 12

Name your small business.

Naming your business is a stressful decision for many business owners, but you can do it in a way that leads to greater financial success.

Step 13

Check if your business name is available.

A critical part of choosing the perfect name for your business is making sure that the name is available.

Step 14

Register your business.

One of the most important parts of starting a new business is making it official.

Step 15

Get a business tax ID number.

If you’ve recently started a new small business, you need a business tax ID number.

Step 16

Get a business license.

Check out everything you need to know about obtaining a business license as well as other permits you might need.

Step 17

Open a business bank account.

There are many factors to consider when you decide to become an entrepreneur. Opening a business bank account is just one crucial step.

Step 18

Learn the benefits of having a business bank account.

No matter how long you’ve been in business, a business bank account is vital to both your sanity and survival.

Step 19

Get business insurance.

Business insurance protects your small business, offering you financial coverage in the cases of lawsuits, injuries, accidents, honest mistakes, and more.